Jodi Johnston

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Are you giving yourself a hard time? This might help.

I was thinking about my first six months as a mother and allll the new lessons on how to keep my energy and efficiency high as a wife, business-builder, family member, friend - while slowing down to give my body & brain time to adapt to becoming a mother & responding to the changing needs of our beautiful, adorable little human!

And the expectations I've had around all of these sides of life haven't often been met lately. And if I’m not vigilant I end up stuck in my head thinking about potential different outcomes and wondering if and what I could have done better. 

Of course, this is common - and of course, this is a pretty unhelpful state of affairs and waste of our precious time and energy.

So here’s what I do when I get caught in a ‘what if’ loop.

  • First, I remind myself that it couldn’t have happened any other way. Because it’s done and dusted. It happened already. What's the point in wishing for something different? It happened the way it did and there is nothing I can do to change it.

  • Second, I remind myself that my part in the situation came from what felt right based on the energy and information I had at the time. To beat myself up or think I’m not good enough is the very thought process keeping my energy low and doubts high.

  • Third, I ask myself if I was doing the best I could at the time. When I know I am genuinely doing the best I can and acting with the best intentions there’s no room for self-criticism. If I’m not acting with the best intentions that’s a sign to get really honest with myself and question what’s going on under the surface, so that I can address it and move on.

This reminds me that there's always a choice on how to look at any situation and how to look at ourselves. 

Life really consists of moment-to-moment decisions and actions. We can only do one thing in each moment. And we are constantly re-calibrating and adapting based on what’s most important in the moment. 

If you’re like me you want to feel happy and in control of your life. If your energy is wavering or you're maxed out from giving way too much of yourself to other people or situations, you can't bring your best to your life and work. Your energy matters. And when we're in a place of forcing, striving and wishing we are lowering our vibe, and that impacts our self-trust and our behaviour. 

So if this is striking a chord with you right now, please give your lovely self a break and check where your energy level is at. What is going on inside and outside of you that's impacting your energy? How is that impacting your life and what is and isn't in your control? What can you do for your amazing body and mind right this second to shift your energy into a higher place?

Those small commitments to yourself build up quickly and make a huge difference. 

You deserve to feel like the brightest version of you, and we all benefit from that. As always I’m cheering for that version of you! 

If this strikes a chord let us know in the comments below… you never know when your words might be just what someone else needs to hear. 

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If you’d like to learn more about working together to maximise your energy, efficiency and relationship with yourself, you can find out more here

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