5 ways meditation's a smart choice for stress

Dubious about meditation? Here’s why it’s a smart choice when juggling too much and overwhelmed.

Do you ever wonder what all the fuss is about with meditation? It’s a big topic these days and more people are finding it useful in modern, busy life.

The word meditation can be an instant put off for some – sometimes seen as just for spiritual people wearing flip flops. If you just want a simple solution to help you deal with stressful moments, though, seeing past the image and giving it a try could surprise you. It’s even recommended by the NHS.

If you’re overwhelmed with life and frustrated with the way others behave, meditation could really help. Looking at it in a new way which makes sense in the modern world, might make it an option for you.

Here are 5 alternative ways to consider how it can – and can’t – help you out in life. 

1.   It’s simple & easy to fit into your day.

Our attention is pulled all over the place these days and meditation gives us a means to channel it. We can take better control of our day.

Meditation is, basically, paying attention to one thing. It’s the simple (yet not easy) act of focusing on our inhale and exhale. That’s it.

As we challenge ourselves to keep our attention on just the breath – the mind fills up with thoughts, planning, worrying, a need for noise, company, movement, etc. etc. and we start to see how our mind works.

It's been used for thousands of years. As we’ve evolved, the technique has stayed, and it may be more useful than ever. 

We can’t rationalise ourselves out of illness or burnout. Our bodies take over when we don’t look after them. But giving your nervous system time to slow down and reset with this little daily practice means you’re taking the power back and getting bogged down with everything life throws at us these days.  


We spend more time on gadgets & machines and less time in nature, and at the same time anxiety and stress has skyrocketed in the UK.

With this practice of paying attention to the breath, we’re reminded that, despite the digital world, we’re a living thing with more than a conscious mind to look after.

These days, technology’s embedded within societies. The internet has sped up the creation, spread and consumption of information (including fake content) at an extraordinary rate. We’re drowning in opinions and conflicting information.

Such impressive innovation has also left us further removed from “real life” and deeper in digital life. For example:

  • We’re connected online and contactable 24/7.

  • Email, social media, text and WhatsApp replaces real-life conversations.

  • We’re a part of an increasing number of social media and connectivity platforms which each have strategies for keeping you engaged. 

Through clever marketing and psychology methods, we’re being “pulled” towards these tools, making it even harder to stay present and in control in the real world.

Digital tools have their place, but if we’re stressed out and overwhelmed, and not checking-in with ourselves, the internet can easily take over. 

As simple as it sounds, spending a few minutes focusing on the breath each day reminds us of our whole, connected system, and of how our bodies respond when starved of their basic needs.

According to RSPH, rates of anxiety and depression have increased a massive 70% in recent years, and social media is linked with this. Studies show, however, that meditation can cut depression recurrence by 50%.

It can give us a pretty impressive perspective in remembering that the planet & nature has millions more years of wisdom than us. 


The conscious mind can be in our control or we can let let it stay scattered and run wild – this is where a few minutes practicing meditation daily can put us back in the driving seat. 

You have control over the habitual chain reactions of your mind.

Connecting to the breath can help us notice that gut feeling more and what it’s signalling. We start to take control, based on what we need and not based on needing approval from others.

It opens our eyes to what’s in our control – and what isn’t. We might see that we’re stressed because we’re ignoring our intuition. That gut feeling will guide you in life when the noise and chatter of the external world is moved aside. 


Improving our awareness through meditation helps us see that we’re in control and have a choice in each moment. It’s not about tolerating unacceptable behaviour from others. But by improving our means for checking in with ourselves and figuring out what the right thing to do is, in each moment, brings clarity, self-belief and inner-trust.

As an example, if you work in a toxic office environment, the power is in your hands to decide how to manage the situation for your best interests. Sitting back and letting it happen isn’t your only option. You have a choice to address what’s concerning you or to seek an alternative route if your current one is causing unhappiness.


Meditation’s a powerful addition to our skillset, but not the answer to all our problems. It helps us become more aware of our personal responsibility for ourselves and our circumstances.

From there, we can figure out what we need to do to address any imbalances in life - and what skills we might need to make that happen.

Although it’s not a magic pill, meditation’s the perfect place to start in tackling stress and overwhelm and taking back control.

Manage your mind and play an active role in how you react to what life throws at you, and you’ll see how much can change for the positive. You’re in control.

What do you think?

Meditation’s a really simple but effective tool which is helping countless people better handle the challenges of modern life. See it’s value for yourself by giving yourself the gift of a daily short and sweet practice.

All we need is a willingness to try something new, to take action and to start respecting our own wisdom over others’. 

how to easily slot it into daily life.

Try my free, 10-minute guided videos. Or if short on time, this 2-minute guided audio will help you reset and slow down.  

Headspace is also really popular with a free trial and short, simple audios.

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Here’s to feeling like the best version of you. 💛