Why prioritising joy is key as an ambitious creative

When I talk to fellow creatives, so many of us want to be happy in our work and have the means to experience everything that excites us.

And so many of us get stuck in a loop of getting excited by - and trying to do - so many things and not getting very far on any one thing!

If this happens to you, you’re not alone. Creative stress and overwhelm is common, and it’s fixable.

I've touched on this before but it's powerful. The World Health Organisation cites stress as the #1 health epidemic of the 21st century. How many of us are living lives of stress and overwhelm while missing out on the full experience of life?

Creativity = joy and joy = creativity

The thing is, creativity generally comes from a place of joy and connection, and creativity brings joy and connection!

Wanting and trying to do it all can be toxic to your creativity, progress and happiness. You can love many things and still move ahead in your work.

All the messages that we have to work and hustle and do/be more aren’t helpful nor will they lead to a sustainable, meaningful life that feels good day to day (reminder: life is right this second, not in the future!).

I’m all for hard work and creative possibilities. And - I’m also all for the other important things in life that bring meaning and joy.

When you love lots of things and love running with ideas it can be easy to throw yourself into it every waking hour. But when it’s at the expense of a restful nights sleep, meaningful relationships and your physical and mental health, it’s not a long term solution.

One of the reasons I love yoga so much is because of its philosophy as a way of living joyfully moment-to-moment. And there’s so much to be gained from this as an ambitious creative. Yoga’s Yamas & Niyamas (inner and outer behaviours) guide us to discipline our brilliant minds enough to thrive, without feeling constricted (a hideous thought!). Some of these behaviours include moderation, truthfulness, contentment and discipline. They support a stronger and clearer mindset and help us to determine what is the next right action, without feeling run ragged.

So can you promise yourself something?

The next time you get overwhelmed, you won’t start questioning yourself, or just quit. Instead? Take a breather, shift your energy and ask yourself what is the next *most important* action in order to progress?

I’d love to hear your perspective on this. Is overwhelm something that you experience? Let me know in the comments below. You never know who might need to hear your insight!

Your creativity matters and your joy matters - to you and to us. And I believe that when you channel your beautiful mind, it’s the making of you.


Are you spinning plates and losing your creative spark? How to refocus and reconnect.

Something that comes up a lot in discussions with fellow creatives is how often our creativity can feel like a battle as we juggle it along with all the other things. I’ve been there many times! If this is you - before you doubt yourself further, stay with me because I'm here to help you see just how capable and resourceful you are as a human and share some ways to get back to enjoying your creative path. 

Something that can keep us in this place is sensory overload. As a creative, generous person you want to maximise the hell out of every experience and you don’t want to miss a thing. I know how it feels!

Yet… if we struggle to channel these sides of us we can end up overwhelmed, losing track of what's truly important to us and missing the chance to provide more valuable products and services through our work.

So how can we enjoy the fullness of life, do meaningful creative work that supports the life we want, and be connected to our creative flow without getting worn out? 

I love this quote from Virginia Woolf that touches on this:

“My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?” - Virginia Woolf

That passion - your creativity, and your generous nature are so needed, so we must treat these qualities with care. 

The sensory world is powerful and relentless! With so much grabbing for our attention, it’s easy to forget that we’re the ones in charge of our time and energy. 

Swapping mental distractions for mental space is an act of self-compassion and self-respect. Here are a couple of ideas to do that.

1. Schedule sensory breaks. 

Known as Pratyahara in yoga, moving your focus away from the senses and towards your inner experience has a subtle power. It’s a practice of shifting attention away from sensory stimulation and moving it inwards to objectively look at our thoughts, emotions, behaviours and habits. Then we can choose our healthiest, most helpful and focused next step.

Although subtle, it takes skill to step back and disengage from the forward momentum of life long enough to meaningfully reset and refocus. Quick ways to try this:

  • Observe silence for set periods. Notice what comes up in that distraction-less time.

  • Practice periods of fasting - from food, social media, phone and laptop notifications.

“When the mind is guided by the wandering senses, then it carries away one’s understanding, as does the wind a ship on the water…”

- the Bhagavad Gita’s description of the pursuit of sensation at the expense of our physical, emotional, and mental health.

2. Control social media so it doesn’t control you.

This 15-min video shares ways to master social media to save time & beat self-doubt. As a major time-drainer this could give you some fresh ideas to get back some creativity headspace. Watch here. (Start at 1.33 to get straight to the talk.)

I’d love to hear from you on this. Is sensory overload something that you experience? Please share in the comments, below - you never know who might benefit from your perspective.

I believe that your creativity and generous spirit, when channelled, are the making of you and the life you crave - and I’m cheering you on every step! 

Are you giving yourself a hard time? This might help.

I was thinking about my first six months as a mother and allll the new lessons on how to keep my energy and efficiency high as a wife, business-builder, family member, friend - while slowing down to give my body & brain time to adapt to becoming a mother & responding to the changing needs of our beautiful, adorable little human!

And the expectations I've had around all of these sides of life haven't often been met lately. And if I’m not vigilant I end up stuck in my head thinking about potential different outcomes and wondering if and what I could have done better. 

Of course, this is common - and of course, this is a pretty unhelpful state of affairs and waste of our precious time and energy.

So here’s what I do when I get caught in a ‘what if’ loop.

  • First, I remind myself that it couldn’t have happened any other way. Because it’s done and dusted. It happened already. What's the point in wishing for something different? It happened the way it did and there is nothing I can do to change it.

  • Second, I remind myself that my part in the situation came from what felt right based on the energy and information I had at the time. To beat myself up or think I’m not good enough is the very thought process keeping my energy low and doubts high.

  • Third, I ask myself if I was doing the best I could at the time. When I know I am genuinely doing the best I can and acting with the best intentions there’s no room for self-criticism. If I’m not acting with the best intentions that’s a sign to get really honest with myself and question what’s going on under the surface, so that I can address it and move on.

This reminds me that there's always a choice on how to look at any situation and how to look at ourselves. 

Life really consists of moment-to-moment decisions and actions. We can only do one thing in each moment. And we are constantly re-calibrating and adapting based on what’s most important in the moment. 

If you’re like me you want to feel happy and in control of your life. If your energy is wavering or you're maxed out from giving way too much of yourself to other people or situations, you can't bring your best to your life and work. Your energy matters. And when we're in a place of forcing, striving and wishing we are lowering our vibe, and that impacts our self-trust and our behaviour. 

So if this is striking a chord with you right now, please give your lovely self a break and check where your energy level is at. What is going on inside and outside of you that's impacting your energy? How is that impacting your life and what is and isn't in your control? What can you do for your amazing body and mind right this second to shift your energy into a higher place?

Those small commitments to yourself build up quickly and make a huge difference. 

You deserve to feel like the brightest version of you, and we all benefit from that. As always I’m cheering for that version of you! 

If this strikes a chord let us know in the comments below… you never know when your words might be just what someone else needs to hear. 

Know someone who might like this article? Give it a share! 

If you’d like to learn more about working together to maximise your energy, efficiency and relationship with yourself, you can find out more here

Brownies that your body will thank you for

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These brownies don’t just taste wonderful, they keep you feeling great from the inside out. That’s a win-win in the treat department in my opinion. 

They’re my go-to for an Ayurveda-friendly treat. What makes them Ayurvedic is that the ingredients are chosen for their nutrition content, their effect on our body and energy, and the autumn season that we’re in. They’re packed full of vitamins and minerals which support energy at this colder, more drying time of year so our energy and vibe stays high. And, they’re vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free. 

I’ve lost count of how many of these brownies we’ve eaten now in our house. My husband loves them and agrees you would never know these contained very different ingredients to your usual, less-healthy, standard brownies.

Here’s the recipe if these sound like a treat you’d love to get stuck into. 

You’ll need a food processor ideally, but it can be mixed by hand. 

Makes 16. 


Approx. 340g roasted sweet potato flesh (see method)

210ml maple syrup

170g almond butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp almond extract

30ml coconut oil or ghee, melted

70g cacao powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

1.5 tsp baking powder

80g oat flour (*see below for how to easily make your own)

Optional extras:

Approx. 60g dairy-free chocolate chips

A handful of halved cherries (thawed frozen cherries work well)


  1. Add your sweet potato to a lined baking tray. It can go in whole if around the right weight or be cut in half or large chunks, with the flesh face down. Bake 180C for approx. 25-30 minutes or until soft to the touch. Remove from oven and, once cool enough to handle, peel away the skin with your hands and set aside.

  2. Line an 8×8-inch baking tray with parchment paper and set aside (or you can use a muffin tin for individual, slightly bigger brownies).

  3. Add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend until combined and smooth. Alternatively, mix together well in a large bowl.

  4. If adding optional extras of chocolate and/or cherries, mix these in by hand once the batter is ready.

  5. Transfer batter to the baking tray or muffin tin and spread into an even layer using a spoon or rubber spatula. Top with extra chocolate chips if desired.

  6. Bake for 28-30 minutes if using baking tray, or 12-15 minutes if using a muffin tin. The edges should be pretty dry and the centre should be springy. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for around 30 minutes.

  7. Enjoy warm or room temperature. They can be stored for up to a week in the fridge (if they last that long!) and are freezable.

*Make your own oat flour easily by adding the required amount of oats to a food processor and mixing until a flour is formed.

Let us know what you think! 

Did you make these brownies? If so, let us know how they worked out for you!

Bulletproof breakfast for a clear and natural energy-boost

Bulletproof breakfast.JPG

As I enjoy maternity leave I’m also enjoying playing around with recipes that work well for busy, tiring and time-tight periods - like early motherhood!

I’ve been trying recipes that are easy for the body to digest, where all ingredients are adding, rather than sapping energy, and that are quick and easy to make while the baby is napping.

I follow an Ayurvedic approach which is designed to support our unique body and work with natural rhythms, in place of a one-size-fits-all approach.

This bulletproof breakfast is an Ayurvedic take on bulletproof coffee, and a porridge that is like a dessert, both without the sugar or caffeine crash. The recipes are below.

What makes these Ayurvedic?

These dishes are designed to make you feel satisfied and energised. This comes from eating quality ingredients that support your body, and combining ingredients in a way that they can work together.

The coffee is a take on the original bulletproof coffee, which is an energising take on coffee without the caffeine crash. It supports feeling satisfied, alert and focused. Standard coffee contains antioxidants but is also stimulating and depleting to the body. Adding coconut oil and ghee provides stable, healthy fats that soothe the nerves, protect the stomach lining from the acidic coffee and are packed with Vitamins A and E (both brilliant for a strong immune system).

The porridge crucially combines fats with the oats which mean that you won’t get a carb crash afterwards. Cooking the apple and raisins helps the body digest them - especially helpful when tired or if you suffer with digestive issues.

Ayurvedic Bulletproof Coffee / Mocha


  • Mug of prepared ground coffee

  • 2 teaspoons each of

    • extra virgin coconut oil

    • ghee (double the amount of coconut oil if vegan)

  • 2 cardamom pods

Optional extras:

  • 1 teaspoon of cacao powder

  • Honey or coconut sugar to taste

  • Milk


  • Make the coffee as normal in your favourite mug then add to a small saucepan.

  • Add all other ingredients to the pan and warm on a low heat until the oils have melted.

  • Stir well, or add to a glass blender to whizz up if preferred.

  • Use a sieve to strain the drink back into your mug and enjoy!

Ayurvedic Bulletproof Autumn Porridge


  • 1 apple (your choice which), chopped

  • Handful of raisins

  • Juice of 1 clementine or satsuma

  • 4 tablespoons of water

  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 teaspoon each of:

    • Ground ginger

    • Ground Chinese five spice

  • 2 cardamom pods, broken slightly (using your teeth works perfectly)

  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil or ghee

  • Handful of porridge oats

Optional extras:

  • 1 teaspoon of cacao powder

  • 1 teaspoon of peanut butter to add at the end


  • Add all the ingredients - except the porridge oats (or peanut butter, if using) - to a small pan.

  • Bring to a simmer, put the lid on and leave for 5 minutes.

  • Stir and check the consistency, adding a little more water if needed - it should be a thick liquid consistency.

  • Add the porridge oats, stir and simmer for another 3-5 minutes.

  • Check halfway through to see if any more liquid is needed - it should now be coming to a thick, gooey consistency.

  • Transfer to a bowl and add a blob of peanut butter on top if you need an extra boost.

Enjoy! I’d love to hear how this goes down for you.

Overwhelmed? These 5 steps will put you back in control fast.

If your joy and enthusiasm for life is taking a hit by overwhelm, here’s how to override it, and take control before it takes hold. 

Feelings of overwhelm and doubt are signals to act on. Here are 5 ways to reset swiftly and move ahead thoughtfully. 

  1. Avoid social media.

    If you’re overwhelmed this will stoke the fire.

    Social media is built to be addictive and designed to train your brain to keep coming back to it. It’s important to remember that you and your attention are their product. The developers don’t care about your long term health or wellbeing. They want more users to spend more time on their platform to monetise from that. There are teams of designers and engineers to make the platform more appealing and addictive. 

    If you want to train yourself to be a high functioning, happier and resourceful person, it’s important to see that excessive time on social platforms can have a detrimental effect on you, your brain, your focus, your attention span, your productivity and your beliefs about yourself.

    Ask yourself why you’re on a social platform and why you want to look on it before you do. Set a timer before you go on there to pull you away once you’re in. 

    Social media can’t replace real-world human connection. We need real-life contact with others to trigger the hormones that make us feel happier, healthier and positive. During this pandemic this can look like video calls or time outdoors. Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people closer together, social media can actually make you feel more lonely and isolated.

  2. Pay attention to your sources of advice and information.

    If someone gives advice on how to live your life or fix a problem, ask yourself if the advice-giver is someone you look up to. You don’t have to take advice from anyone unless you agree with their own life choices and respect and value their opinion.

    Remember, it’s easy to give advice but not everyone lives by their own advice. Be discerning and notice how advice makes you feel when you receive it. If it feels good, great! If not, notice that and think about what sources of advice really resonate with you.

  3. Make space to face the feelings.

    Give yourself space to slow down and pay attention to how your body is feeling and what your mind is dwelling on so you can make sense of it and take smart action. Slowing down may seem counterintuitive but in fact, a pause is sometimes just what we need.

    If you’re overwhelmed and your head’s in a whirl, freely writing how you feel can help to get clear. When you read back you can find the words that stick out and have more meaning behind them. You can use the words to decide what the next most important step is to help you move forward.

  4. Get out of your head and into your body.

    This is where you can shift your hormones, replacing the addictive dopamine hormone with endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones physically shift your inner state. 

    If you want to feel more energised and motivated more often, it’s a powerful thing to know that the thinking mind is only part of the whole system driving our lives. At a deeper level, hormones and habits are driving much of what we do. Overriding your logical mind to quickly shift your state activates these other parts of your body. 

    Give yourself that initial push in your thinking mind and then notice how it disrupts your energy and your state. 

    Get into your body through things like meditation, movement and music to disrupt the overwhelm loop. The energy shift will come and you’ll get into your resourceful side that’s always there beneath the conscious mind. The body knows what you need in every moment. It’s our job to listen and honour that.

  5. Own your choices. 

    The suggestions in this blog need a decision to act. If you’re not compelled or willing to act, own that decision rather than beating yourself up about it. There’s no sense in making yourself feel any worse.

    It’s ok to not be ok. But it’s not ok to stay that way. It’s not ok for your wellbeing, for your relationships and for your future. 

    Ultimately it’s in your hands how you choose to move ahead. Arming yourself with knowledge to help you move ahead thoughtfully helps. But knowledge without action is meaningless. 

    If you feel depressed and unable to act on a longer-term basis, then seeking professional support is a wise and important move. x

You’re so capable - whatever stage you’re at right now. You are in control of your life and, with the right techniques, you can utilise the whole capability of your body and mind. 

This is true self-care.

We're in this together and I’m rooting for the real, brightest you.

Jodi x

If this strikes a chord let us know in the comments below… you never know when your words might be just what someone else needs to hear. x

Know someone who might like this article? Give it a share! 

Are you looking to take more control of your overwhelm? You might like these resources, too:

Don't enjoy time with yourself? This may be why.

With recent coronavirus distancing advice - does the thought of all this time alone leave you feeling antsy?

You’re not alone!

Why are we so uncomfortable with time to ourselves?

Did you know, a study in the journal Science showed that some people would rather give themselves electric shocks than be alone with their thoughts for just 15 minutes?!

In those quiet moments, we can end up really noticing feelings we’d rather avoid.

But - you can be alone and happy or you can be alone and lonely. The idea of being alone is what you make of it. As always - it’s in your control!

Healthy, balanced living means we’re better equipped because we have resources to help guide us through the process - including a stronger sense of self-awareness.

Want to feel good about alone-time?

To feel differently needs a shift in thinking. It needs the time and attention of the thinking mind. It needs a conscious decision to override habitual thought patterns and make space for something better.

Think of our habits as autopilot - ticking away without much effort. Coming off autopilot takes a conscious effort. 

And what’s more, those habits & feelings form our beliefs - our reality - our inner story!

Feeling differently requires a decision. 

  • A decision to stop waiting and do something different today.

  • A decision to give this some attention. 

  • A decision that something’s got to give. 

  • A decision that you want to change more than stay the same. 

Without methods for untying our habitual knots, we’ll stay the same. 

We’ll stay living with the things we don’t like about ourselves.

This is where quick-fixes usually help. But they’re temporary, like taking a pill to numb an underlying issue. 

  • Music we love puts us in the moment, momentarily. 

  • A theme park ride gives us a quick hit of adrenaline. 

  • A sweet treat or a shopping spree gives us a surge of endorphins.

  • Likes on our social media posts give us a hit of dopamine. 

  • A new romance gives us a surge of oxytocin. 

And then we’re back to us, our minds & the day-to-day. 

It’s the time we spend in this normal existence where we get stuck. Back in autopilot. Back to feeling like something is missing. Back to feeling overwhelmed, and looking for a sense of relief by an external source. 

Simplicity’s rare in our culture

Our lives have become so full of distraction that the opposite can feel like an alien concept.

But with simplicity, we can untangle ourselves. How? By moving our attention onto what’s really going on inside us. For example:

  • Putting attention on our thinking mind through meditation.

  • Getting familiar with the body’s signals through yoga.

  • Re-learning to trust our intuition & ourselves through journaling and coaching.

  • Practising awareness & focus through guided meditations.

  • Noticing & questioning our thought patterns through journaling and coaching.

  • Using what we uncover to make an action plan to get to work on trying a new approach.

While it’s a tough time for all of us in the world right now, we can choose to utilise this alone-time in a smart way.

There are brilliant resources online to help with this stuff. Struggle to stick with them? Well, it can be hard to know where to start, depending on where you’re at in life. It can also be overwhelming to know which tool/guide/video/opinion to pick!

Do it your way. The way that is right for exactly where you’re at right now.

You could pick where to start based on what feels most useful for you, and enjoy the process of trying this stuff out. I spent a lot of years going to yoga classes which worked for me. From there I invested in counselling, coaching and personal growth trainings once I saw how good it felt to be reconnected to myself. They’ve been the best investments I’ve ever made - for my own wellbeing, my close relationships and contentment in daily life.

Want to finally love time with yourself, build self-awareness & start feeling content in the everyday?

Investing in inner development is just that - an investment that’ll repay you by giving you full power over your one precious life!

Here’s how I can help.

  • Coaching: Free 1-1 coaching call/Zoom with me for a limited time.

  • Personal Plan: Curated yoga, meditation & mindset practices for exactly where you’re at.

  • Online, self-paced programme: Maximise Your Life programme, launching soon, guides you through where to start, and how to dig into your story now, and how to positively shift it. Join the waitlist.

We all look to role models in life. It’s time to start becoming your own role model!

You’re made for so much more!

Please let us know in the comments if this resonates or if you have any insights. You never know when your thoughts could be just what someone else needs to hear!

Coronavirus: Staying Emotionally Strong & Helping Each Other

I want to share this as a lot of us understandably feel afraid, confused, overwhelmed and uncertain at the moment.

I’m here to help, as I know you are.

First, wherever you are, I hope you and your loved ones are safe. 

I’m at home with Carl and our baby bump. We've cancelled upcoming social plans, family visits & I've cancelled this Sunday's Yoga & Mindset Retreat.

Based on the facts, we feel strongly that the most important step we can take is to stay home and stay well. We’re prepared to stay inside for as long as needed to help minimise the impact of this virus.

Thank you to all those who’ve been sharing positive information, advice and resources.

This post is here to share the best of this information and:

  1. The positive stories about humanity right now. 

  2. Practical resources to help you or someone you know.

  3. Help in your valuable role as a giving & caring person to stay strong, so you can lead and stop any emotional spread of stress, fear, panic, and anxiety. 

I hope it’s helpful and might help anyone you know confused about how to best act right now.

clarity on physical distancing

Physical distancing seems the most crucial step we can take right now. If you’re not convinced on physical distancing, are worried about overreacting or going too far, or think this might not apply to you these resources share more context.

taking control of Coronavirus-Related Stress, Fear & Anxiety

When things feel out of control, the place to turn to is you. Stress is proven to lower our immune system, which impacts our health - which is the exact opposite of what we need right now. 

Cultivating a calmer, stronger, healthier mental state keeps your entire system strong and models qualities that others can really benefit from right now.

If you’re struggling with challenging feelings in and around you, try these:

Funny, Inspiring, and Feel-Good news

Research shows that laughing is proven to reduce stress and improve your health. Win win!

Good News Movement share feel-good news stories of people coming together, showing kindness & support to their fellow people.

StayING Active

Staying physically & mentally active and getting regular workouts is key to keep our immune system strong and our state of mind clear, calm, and stress-free. Here are a few resources to keep us moving, generously being shared for free at this time.

  • DownDog App has made all their apps free until April 1st. You can choose from yoga, HIIT, Barre, and 7-minute workouts. 

  • Glo is offering free online yoga, meditation and pilates workouts tailored for stress & anxiety. 

  • Yoga with Adriene has amazing free yoga classes on YouTube, and suits all abilities and needs.

  • Ashleigh Sergeant teaches beautiful yoga practices to calm & strengthen the mind. She’s sharing her online classes for free for the next few days.

Staying Emotionally Connected & helping others

We’re lucky to have technology these days that offers countless ways to stay connected while physically distancing.

  • NextDoor is a great way that we connect with our neighbours. You can connect with others, check in on those around you, and find out how you can help. There are also handy tips on where to find items that are out of stock in the supermarkets.

  • Facetime, Skype, and Zoom hangouts are perfect right now for 1:1 or group catch ups. 

  • Netflix Parties. This Chrome plugin lets you watch your favourite Netflix show alongside others.  

  • This blog post by a cancer survivor who spent 9 months self-isolating last year shares great tips on how to stay happy, healthy, and connected to the people you love.

financial help and rights for U.K. Nationals

The government announced a range of extra support and measures to help workers, benefit claimants and businesses affected by coronavirus. Here’s the summary at Gov.UK.

And here’s a summary from Money Saving Expert for the self-employed and as an employee.

And support with mortgages, rent, prepaid energy and cancelled events is helpfully and clearly set out by Money Saving Expert, too, here.

more specific advice for pregnant women

The RCOG clarifies current best practice following advice for pregnant women to reduce social contact, so you know how to best manage appointments and act in the best interests of you and your baby.

More specific advice for 70+ and “at-risk”

Age UK breakdown the details and specifics for the 70s and older, and those included in the “at risk” category.

I hope this provides ideas and resources to stay calm, resourceful & healthy. You have a great role to play in how this experience plays out. A strong, healthy, and calm you will have a powerful effect on those around you.

Before you go, I’d love to know if there’s anything you’d like to share. Anything unaddressed, anything helpful for others, please leave a comment below, with kindness.

Take care.

Jodi x

How daily discipline (sadhana) benefits your soul and surroundings

I’ve really felt the benefit of my daily practice (sadhana, in yogic terms) recently.

A sadhana is a daily practice which moves the focus inside and builds resilience and inner trust. In times of uncertainty, a sadhana provides a daily anchor into groundedness, resolve and trust.

My personal sadhana involves:

  • yoga

  • meditation

  • contemplating future intended outcomes, and

  • sitting in genuine gratitude for the things I have right now that many others don’t.

It shifts me into a positive, resourceful state and provides context and perspective on the big picture, and what’s in my control.

And when we commit to it as we commit to brushing our teeth every day, we see our perspective, inner resolve & inner trust shift in a powerful way. From that place, we emanate generosity, compassion and understanding - providing a positive ripple effect to those around us. ❤️

Sadhana is a beautiful act of self-care and respect.

Sadhana benefits your soul and your surroundings.

If you’d like support in creating a sadhana that’s perfect for your needs right now, please get in touch to create this together.

I’d love to hear from you!

I’d love to know if this strikes a chord, and how you stay open-hearted and generous. Please leave a comment with any insights for others to learn from. You never know when someone might need to hear exactly what you have to share. x

Everything we do is an investment: how to improve how you spend your precious time

At a recent event I had a discussion with someone about the concept of how everything we do is an investment and an exchange of energy.

I could see how I've been tweaking the quality of my investments in recent years to gradually move towards the life I'm much happier in now. 

How we decide to spend our time, our money, our energy - all impacts how our life looks overall. 

So I wanted to share some food for thought:

  • How are you investing in your wellbeing? 

  • How are you addressing your stress?

  • Does the food you eat increase or drain your energy?

  • Do the conversations you have uplift or drain you?

  • Does the way you talk to yourself empower you or stunt you?

  • Do you invest time in believing you can, or believing you can't? 

  • Do you invest in quality alone-time away from technology to focus your energy on you?

Examples like these are just a few of the ways in which our small acts and decisions influence the quality of our lives and happiness. Creating space to ponder this is powerful - and it's something I've spent time thinking through more intentionally since that event. 

I've been writing these down and shifting the question to put the power in my hands, and you may find this useful, too.

The power of writing in a diary is that we slow down our thinking as we write one word at a time.

You might find it helpful to take one or some of these questions to consider if they relate to an area of struggle in your life, and spend time really digging down and getting honest with yourself on how you can positively change this.

  • What do I need to further invest to increase my my wellbeing? 

  • How can I switch the way I eat to increase rather than drain my energy?

  • How can I build in more uplifting conversations?

  • What do I need to do to start talking to myself in a more empowering way?

  • How can I move more into the state of mind where I believe I can, rather than can't? 

  • How and when will I invest in quality alone-time away from technology to focus my energy on me?

  • What's the #1 thing burdening me most right now and what step will I take to shift this?

Magic happens in the small shifts and in knowing we have a choice in how we invest in ourselves. 

I’d love to know how this works for you. Please share any insights in the comments, and whether this strikes a chord. You never know when your thoughts could provide a breakthrough that someone else is seeking!

Feeling the shorter, rainy days? Some go-to's for when you're feeling low.

When you feel rubbish about yourself and in self-guilt and criticism, here are some ways to remind your good self that this is all part of the ride & that you’re amazing & wise (because you are!).

  1. Write it down: take time out to write what’s up. Get critical thoughts onto paper and ask why you’re having these thoughts. Keep asking why until you’re at the bottom of the thoughts. This’ll help work out what’s really going on.

  2. Pay attention: set a timer for 2/5/10 minutes, close your eyes and sit with your breath. Put effort on paying attention to just the inhale & exhale. Let the nervous system reset itself. This is meditation

  3. Get outside: Go for a walk, breathe in the fresh air, moving out of the head & into the body & the world around us (even in the rain!).

  4. Listen to a favourite upbeat song: Shift your state & outlook with a song that you love.

  5. Switch self-criticism to love: Remind yourself how you’d support a loved one feeling the way you are. Give yourself those words & support. Building self-love builds self-resilience.

Please remember - you’re far from weak, and you’re in control more than you think.

Please don’t let anyone, including you, make you feel like you can’t cope. You can. Giving your body & mind something productive & disruptive in low moments will help you feel more in control of your life. ⠀

Yoga’s taught me much of this along the way. It’s crazy how much is in our control that we forget about because of the design of modern life. When we take small actions to check in with ourselves we can start to learn how much is in our own power. x

I'd love to know: What are your go-to’s when you feel low? It's so helpful to share! Please share your thoughts in the comments below - you might just help someone with a breakthrough. x

5 ways meditation's a smart choice for stress

Dubious about meditation? Here’s why it’s a smart choice when juggling too much and overwhelmed.

Do you ever wonder what all the fuss is about with meditation? It’s a big topic these days and more people are finding it useful in modern, busy life.

The word meditation can be an instant put off for some – sometimes seen as just for spiritual people wearing flip flops. If you just want a simple solution to help you deal with stressful moments, though, seeing past the image and giving it a try could surprise you. It’s even recommended by the NHS.

If you’re overwhelmed with life and frustrated with the way others behave, meditation could really help. Looking at it in a new way which makes sense in the modern world, might make it an option for you.

Here are 5 alternative ways to consider how it can – and can’t – help you out in life. 

1.   It’s simple & easy to fit into your day.

Our attention is pulled all over the place these days and meditation gives us a means to channel it. We can take better control of our day.

Meditation is, basically, paying attention to one thing. It’s the simple (yet not easy) act of focusing on our inhale and exhale. That’s it.

As we challenge ourselves to keep our attention on just the breath – the mind fills up with thoughts, planning, worrying, a need for noise, company, movement, etc. etc. and we start to see how our mind works.

It's been used for thousands of years. As we’ve evolved, the technique has stayed, and it may be more useful than ever. 

We can’t rationalise ourselves out of illness or burnout. Our bodies take over when we don’t look after them. But giving your nervous system time to slow down and reset with this little daily practice means you’re taking the power back and getting bogged down with everything life throws at us these days.  


We spend more time on gadgets & machines and less time in nature, and at the same time anxiety and stress has skyrocketed in the UK.

With this practice of paying attention to the breath, we’re reminded that, despite the digital world, we’re a living thing with more than a conscious mind to look after.

These days, technology’s embedded within societies. The internet has sped up the creation, spread and consumption of information (including fake content) at an extraordinary rate. We’re drowning in opinions and conflicting information.

Such impressive innovation has also left us further removed from “real life” and deeper in digital life. For example:

  • We’re connected online and contactable 24/7.

  • Email, social media, text and WhatsApp replaces real-life conversations.

  • We’re a part of an increasing number of social media and connectivity platforms which each have strategies for keeping you engaged. 

Through clever marketing and psychology methods, we’re being “pulled” towards these tools, making it even harder to stay present and in control in the real world.

Digital tools have their place, but if we’re stressed out and overwhelmed, and not checking-in with ourselves, the internet can easily take over. 

As simple as it sounds, spending a few minutes focusing on the breath each day reminds us of our whole, connected system, and of how our bodies respond when starved of their basic needs.

According to RSPH, rates of anxiety and depression have increased a massive 70% in recent years, and social media is linked with this. Studies show, however, that meditation can cut depression recurrence by 50%.

It can give us a pretty impressive perspective in remembering that the planet & nature has millions more years of wisdom than us. 


The conscious mind can be in our control or we can let let it stay scattered and run wild – this is where a few minutes practicing meditation daily can put us back in the driving seat. 

You have control over the habitual chain reactions of your mind.

Connecting to the breath can help us notice that gut feeling more and what it’s signalling. We start to take control, based on what we need and not based on needing approval from others.

It opens our eyes to what’s in our control – and what isn’t. We might see that we’re stressed because we’re ignoring our intuition. That gut feeling will guide you in life when the noise and chatter of the external world is moved aside. 


Improving our awareness through meditation helps us see that we’re in control and have a choice in each moment. It’s not about tolerating unacceptable behaviour from others. But by improving our means for checking in with ourselves and figuring out what the right thing to do is, in each moment, brings clarity, self-belief and inner-trust.

As an example, if you work in a toxic office environment, the power is in your hands to decide how to manage the situation for your best interests. Sitting back and letting it happen isn’t your only option. You have a choice to address what’s concerning you or to seek an alternative route if your current one is causing unhappiness.


Meditation’s a powerful addition to our skillset, but not the answer to all our problems. It helps us become more aware of our personal responsibility for ourselves and our circumstances.

From there, we can figure out what we need to do to address any imbalances in life - and what skills we might need to make that happen.

Although it’s not a magic pill, meditation’s the perfect place to start in tackling stress and overwhelm and taking back control.

Manage your mind and play an active role in how you react to what life throws at you, and you’ll see how much can change for the positive. You’re in control.

What do you think?

Meditation’s a really simple but effective tool which is helping countless people better handle the challenges of modern life. See it’s value for yourself by giving yourself the gift of a daily short and sweet practice.

All we need is a willingness to try something new, to take action and to start respecting our own wisdom over others’. 

how to easily slot it into daily life.

Try my free, 10-minute guided videos. Or if short on time, this 2-minute guided audio will help you reset and slow down.  

Headspace is also really popular with a free trial and short, simple audios.

I'd love to know if this strikes a chord.
What helps you to manage day-to-day challenges? Let me know in the comments on the blog - there’s such value in sharing ideas, and your story could be just what someone else needs to read.

Here’s to feeling like the best version of you. 💛

How to break the cycle of overwhelm


I reckon when you feel good, it elevates everyone around you. But mostly, it elevates you, to live and experience life as fully as you deserve. 

If you want to feel better without pushing so hard — even while navigating overwhelm — my video blog may provide some ideas to help.

I talk about a couple of key practices which started to change the negative loop for me. They can be done by anyone, anywhere. Best of all, they work, when we’re ready to commit to consistency.

Not so long ago I was in a place of total exhaustion and overwhelm. I felt like I’d totally lost control of all sides of my life, and stuck on what to do next. It was a horrible feeling, and held me back from the life I craved until I knew how to tackle it.

Quick fixes kept me numb and in a miserable loop (plenty of sugar, media, box sets, booze), until I was ready to actively making change from the inside, and to changing my story consistently.

The magic came from choosing internal wisdom over external validations and distractions, and from believing that my wellbeing was important enough to be made a non-negotiable priority.

In the blog I share:

  • How to start making time for the seriously rewarding inner work.

  • How to start making deep-impacting progress using your own wisdom.

  • How committing to yourself, truly, is the start of great things.

  • Simple techniques that are easy to remember and implement.

I'd love to know if this struck a chord. What helps you to manage overwhelm & exhaustion? Let me know in the comments - there’s such value in sharing ideas, and your story may be just what someone else needs to have a breakthrough.


Here’s to feeling and living as the best version of you. 💚

Video: 3 ways to take action when stuck

If you want to feel in control of your life, but are stuck in firefighting mode - or, a bit down and flat - my quick video shares how I reset the routine and take action on this.

I share how I finally took real-life action, when I'd had enough of searching for help. 

In the video you'll learn:

  • How to disrupt your daily pattern.

  • The importance of creating space for our sanity.

  • How to start trusting our own inner wisdom & stop searching for it elsewhere.

  • The power of handling the worst thing first.

I’m wondering, what helps you to take action and break through overwhelm? Please let us know in the comments - there’s such value in sharing ideas, and your story may be just what someone else needs to have a breakthrough.

Here’s to living a life which combines your ambitions and your compassion. 💚

Start here if you struggle to put yourself first

Do you struggle to put your needs first? 

I can finally manage it without a pile of guilt, but I know how hard it can get so wanted to put it out there. x

Before, I had zero skills in asserting myself & communicating my needs clearly. 

It’s tough when you want to be kind to others. The lines can get blurred. I needed to learn some new skills and beliefs. 

FIRST STEP: I needed S P A C E.

Space helped me pay attention to my thoughts & make sense of that nagging thing that was missing before:- the real me!

Chronic people-pleasing meant I never gave myself space to:

  1. Hear my own needs, understand my values, hear what mattered to me.

  2. Learn & practice new skills in boundary-setting, assertiveness, courage, communication.  

  3. Get clear on what my next right step was.

With space and learning, I woke up to the fact that: 

  • I got to change my life if I wasn’t happy. 

  • Happiness came from prioritising my wellbeing & living in line with my values. 

  • Happiness didn’t come from blindly doing what everyone else wanted.

As a nation, we have more freedom than ever, yet at the same time, we seem more trapped. 

  • Trapped in our heads.

  • Trapped in our habits.

  • Trapped in our need for external validation.

  • Trapped in our lack of learning emotional skills.

It’s harder than ever in modern life with media & addictive devices at every turn, adding to confusion & overwhelm. For me, it shifted with more looking inside & less looking outside. And, making space in life for that to happen. 

I stopped measuring my worth by saying yes to others, once I got familiar with what I valued in life. 

Once I woke up to the damaging effects of people-pleasing on my self-worth, I learned key skills to build courage, clarity, express my needs, and practiced regularly exactly how to put myself first day-to-day.

I’m so relieved that I now live in line with what’s right for me, because once I lived in full honesty with myself, any other way became intolerable. 💚When I feel good, it elevates everyone around me. I find this a much more sustainable way of living where everyone benefits (myself included). x

HOW CAN YOU MAKE SPACE for yourself?

Can you spare a few minutes to consider this today? And if you feel like sharing your insights on this topic, I’d love to hear them, and I'll see you in the comments below. 🙏🏻

Here’s to living as the best version of you. x

Video: why yoga and meditation changed my life

Meditation & yoga are absolutely crucial elements of my life.

For me to feel and give my very best requires keeping a close eye on my mindset & overall wellbeing. 

It was only when I learned to get in tune with myself & respect my wellbeing, that I could understand what I needed to do to find the real joy that was missing from my life. 

This short video below shares why yoga & meditation changed my life.

In it, I share: 

  • how the focusing inwards helped me to get fully honest with myself & stop hiding

  • how paying attention inside gave me the clarity to understand the next right steps for me

  • the realisation that the only route to finding what was missing for me was by respecting my needs, and prioritising these over my immediate wants and the wants of others

I'd love to know if this struck a chord. What helps you to feel your best day-to-day? Let me know in the comments - there’s such value in sharing ideas, and your story may be just what someone else needs to have a breakthrough.

Here’s to feeling like the best version of you. 💛

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We seem to be a-ok with stress and anxiety being the norm

My biggest takeaway from my time in management was the shocking rate of illness through stress and anxiety. It seems to have become normalised in some spaces. can you relate?

When our regular ways of coping seem to be needing a glass of wine/pint/cigarette/chocolate (delete as appropriate: the first and last were mine) something is wrong. Whatever it is we “need” to cope with the day, it’s numbing us from living fully. And it’s sticking a plaster over the real problem. The problem that is going nowhere, but is festering, growing and ready to hit us in the face when our body tells us it’s had enough.  

The problems that show themselves in our increasing anxiety, in our insomnia, in our lack of focus, in our short temper and in our blaming of others.  

This was me not too long ago. And it was awful. Not just for me, but for those closest to me who had to listen to me complain, and worry about me when I had a panic attack, and advise me when I ignored the GP’s advice to take sick leave through anxiety, for fear of judgement.

Because it is accepted in a lot of circles that hustling and giving your all is the norm. And if you take time off you’re not committed, you’re weak, you’re a liability.

It’s not ok.

If you are living in this reality, I’m so sorry, and I truly understand. It may take some time for workplaces to adapt and change as is needed. Until then, know that you have power. 

  • You have the power to change your after-work drink to an early night.

  • You have the power to change your chocolate afternoon snack to a walk.

  • You have the power to change hitting snooze to getting out of bed a few minutes earlier and sitting quietly with a cup of tea.

  • You have the power to switch your lunch with colleagues to some you time.

  • You have the power to learn to push back and say no to the never ending taking of your time.

  • You have the power to take 5 minutes before bed to think about the small positives of the day.

  • You have the power to start very small, and to make yourself feel a little bit better. And to push back on something small. And to feel proud.

The workplace, relationships and anyone/thing else can’t take those small wins away from you.

My biggest error was not believing that tiny tweaks would make a blind bit of difference. In fact, they changed everything. We are already at our stress limit. Adding more pressure to ourselves with big lofty personal goals is adding to our overwhelm (or, worse, following the advice to “follow your passion” which assumes we all have time or awareness of an intrinsic passion).

Making teeny tiny shifts in our daily routine nudge us in a better direction. Those nudges add up. I promise you that. The tiniest decision to put our best interests at heart sends such a strong message to ourselves that we do care.

If I could wish for one thing for you in this overwhelming time it is this:

Make one small shift. One which has your best interests at heart and gives you a glimpse of headspace.

If we all do a bit more for ourselves we will send a message out that we are not on board with the current norm.

It’s in you. I promise you. Start to shift the focus inwards to find so much wisdom.

I’m always cheering for you. 💛

Why I care about this stuff

Why this matters to me. 

Over the last fifteen years I have devoted my energy to personal development in order to overcome the limiting beliefs and habits of my past. I have spent this time deep in courses, books and podcasts, going to therapy and coaching, and attending events all with the goal of becoming a better and stronger woman, partner, family member and leader. 

I know what it feels like to have anxiety and panic attacks, be afraid of speaking up, not know how to communicate my feelings, feel guilty, let myself down for the sake of others, have an eating disorder, have addictions, and for people to not ‘get’ me.

I have come to believe that too many of us are living in this way, and worst of all, feel guilty for wanting more for ourselves. 

I want to share the ideas, tools and systems that have helped me steadily take control of my life over time. I hope they might help you when you are feeling stuck. 

How did I get here? 

Ever since school I have wanted to do something with life that was meaningful to me and others. Knowing what that looked like was a different story! Coupled with some deep rooted beliefs that my needs and opinions were not as important as other people’s, and I spent too many years so unable to speak up for myself, in both my personal and professional lives that the easiest option became avoidance, so that I didn't need to deal with my shame, fear or guilt. 

So naturally I spent twelve years in office jobs, believing that a "proper" job was the best bet. All the while my ideas came and went, none of them going far because of my fear of judgement and lack of self belief to see anything through. 

During that time I became caught up in a self made trap of working as hard as I could to prove my worth, feeling increasingly dependent on my salary to fund my 'ok' life and ending up signed off work twice by my GP with stress and anxiety (advice I chose to ignore because of that familiar fear of judgement).

Turns out, stress and anxiety can cause your body to react in dramatic ways

Over time I became increasingly ill, completely miserable and lost. Painful digestive issues, headaches, skin problems, and dizziness became a part of my daily life. Growing anxiety and insomnia joined the list, with panic attacks providing the final blow. 

I acknowledged that years had passed in this cycle and I was not prepared to continue. I became sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I realised that it was 100% in my control to change it. 

Prioritising our needs is a must

Through years of work on my beliefs, health and anxiety issues, I now know that these are all interconnected and must be respected. With a little understanding and awareness, and complete accountability for our lives, we can begin to be the person who is hiding inside, waiting to get out. 

This has taken a long time to fully accept. Although, looking from the outside in, my life may have looked pretty good in the traditional sense of what success looked like, I was lacking some basic and essential life skills which held me back from my own true happiness for so long. I believe many others suffer in silence, too. 

I see now that when we utilise our strengths, they come so naturally to us that we actually feel stronger, energised, alive, and like life is working in our favour. We emit an ease and calm confidence that others are drawn to. 

Knowledge and action are two different things

For me, the problem wasn’t a lack of awareness of my issues. The problem was knowing exactly how to move from that life to one in which I was content, and free from health issues. It felt like there were too many areas of life to improve: health, relationships, confidence, mindset, finances, environment; and I didn’t have a clue where to start, as they all seemed interconnected. This went on for years until I knew my life would not look any different until I disrupted my daily routine. Our lives are a reflection of our daily actions, after all. 

For me personally, with the desire to change turning to desperation, I was ready for a jolt in order to make change. My partner and I quit our jobs, booked a one-way plane ticket and saved up as much as we could for the last six months in our office roles. The goal for me was to slow down and give myself the headspace to determine the next steps. Slowing down is the best thing I could have done. 

Here’s what I believe: 

  • Too often we try and fit ourselves into a different shaped mould, and I believe this is a serious root of unhappiness. Whether it is the wrong job, office culture, friendship circles, home town and so on, I believe that being involved in something which doesn’t feel right, leaves us feeling increasingly unhappy, unwell, or at the very least, lazy and apathetic. In turn this causes a negative ripple effect, feeding into the lives of those around us. 

  • Spend too long in these environments and you will start to tell yourself (consciously or subconsciously) that you are the problem. That you are not good enough, there is something wrong with you, you’ll never be able to achieve anything different, and that maybe this is just what life is like. This isn’t true. I know that you can feel so much happier in yourself than you can even imagine right now. 

  • We have two choices: impact ourselves and others positively, or impact ourselves and others negatively. The former requires us to take complete ownership of our lives, and take responsibility for correcting course. Not easy, but always worth it. 

There are a number of equally important needs that as humans we want to meet if we are to be our best. With the burden of these unmet needs weighing heavy, how can we expect to feel light, carefree and joyful?

Over the last fifteen years this has been my core interest. I have come to see the common threads, and time-tested solutions. 

It’s easy to go on autopilot, taking actions and making the choices that culture, society and people we love expect of us. But you don’t have to suppress your true nature or ignore your heart’s desire in order to be loved and accepted. 

Accountability is everything 

The first step, before thinking about what you might want to do next for a career or business, before embarking on a course that you’re not 100% about, and before committing to anything else, is to hold the mirror up to yourself and take the most honest inventory of who you are right now, in this moment. Not in a self-judging way, but in a supportive way. 

There is a real confidence that comes from knowing yourself, and then living in line with that, without apology. It shows that you respect yourself, and that feeds out into all areas of your life, creating a positive ripple effect. 

On becoming fully accountable and in control of the key areas of your life, you will start to find clarity, understand where your strengths lie, and where you can best make a positive impact so that life can start to flow easily.

From there, living each day as your best self will drive you to live life with more energy and you will start to appreciate the everyday things and see that life is starting to work in your favour. 

Putting you first will help others more than putting others first - really

It is not always so easy to know who you are, what drives you and what you really want to do to make you happy, when you have been caught up in other people’s lives and priorities, putting others' needs first. 

There are core areas that require attention, understanding and accountability if we want to move forward. I want to support you in this exciting and empowering work. 

I believe that the most important thing you can do for yourself, and everyone you care about, is to lead by example and take responsibility for understanding yourself. Only then can you move forward and live a life which feels the way it should.

Because you, and only you, are responsible for your unique life. 

Want more inspiration on this topic? This article shares the top five regrets of the dying. In there: "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me" and "I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings".

 Are you living the life you want?

The number 1 fear of the dying: not living a life true to themselves

What a sobering thought. 

Are you living a life that is true to yourself? You may not know what this looks like yet. Your time may be filled with work, social and relationship commitments. But you have a feeling that you are not as happy as you should be, yet don’t know how to change. 

Do you have a tendency to people-please and struggle to say no or put your needs first? I know how incredibly tough it can be to change that. But this can be the difference between finding or forsaking living a life that is true to yourself, and ultimately, a life that brings you real confidence and joy. One which involves little regret. There’s a type of confidence that only comes through knowing yourself, and it’s something that I believe, if we all felt, would cause a huge shift in how we behave in the world and with each other. 

And if this is something you are grappling with, I believe that it is a crucial area to address in your life toolkit. 

The power of beliefs, habits and communication 

I know I don’t want to be one of those when it comes to the end of life who realises I let my dreams and ideas pass me by through fear of judgement and guilt. I allowed that to happen for years, until I understood how my beliefs, habits and communication skills were holding me back. 

I had a deep rooted belief that it was wrong to assert myself and put my needs first for fear of upsetting others, even if that meant I suffered. Avoidance was my preferred action. I forgot who I was in the end and never had an opinion on anything, or really knew what I wanted, because I always focused on other people’s happiness. It took time to even figure out what brought me real happiness. I believed for a long time that my happiness came from putting others first so that they felt good. I didn’t understand how I could both put myself first and be a positive influence on others. 

Eventually, after many years, ignoring my own needs wore me down and left me pretty resentful - nobody’s fault but my own. But behaving this way was who I was - I didn’t have a clue how to change as these behaviours were entrenched. 

Prioritising everyone else doesn’t work

  • It teaches others that we don’t respect ourselves 

  • It leaves us feeling and acting weak 

  • It stops us from trusting our instinct 

  • It puts the power in other people’s hands 

  • We don’t give the best of ourselves to others 

  • And, ultimately, it will leave us regretting not living a life true to ourselves, from the fear of judgement or upsetting others

Self respect and finding the courage to overcome this barrier is an absolute necessity if we want to lead by example and live a life true to ourselves. 

You have the power to live a life true to yourself 

There are ways to learn how to change the way we think about ourselves, which changes our reality, and ultimately, our lives. It takes courage and a total shift in the way we talk to ourselves, through slowing down and bringing awareness to behaviours and habits. 

Those people we tend to admire? The leaders and strong women who are living lives true to themselves? They understand the importance of prioritising their needs. They deal with many judgements, challenges and barriers, but will utilise courage, self love and clear communication to keep moving forward. 

We have to learn to love and respect ourselves the way we give these things to others that we care about. We need to learn how to talk to ourselves with encouragement, and stop judging ourselves so harshly. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others whose full story we don’t know and focus on our own beautiful uniqueness and opportunities. We need to find ourselves, that real us that is hiding underneath the cultural conditioning and judgements from others. Only then can we start on the path of living a life true to ourselves. Here's a simple equation: 

Put you first > feel good > others see your happier side > others are happier as a result > everyone wins

Start with you and let the love feed out from there. We are the only ones responsible for our happiness, just as other people’s happiness is not our responsibility. 

In my opinion, here is the best place to start: 

Choose one ridiculously simple step > slot it into the day where it easily fits > never miss a day > let it become a habit > it will then become your new normal > you'll gain positive momentum > you'll be motivated for more 

Finding a simple and fail-proof method that can slot into your daily routine can be a powerful starting point to quickly disrupt your thought pattern. With the busyness of modern life it’s too easy to want to achieve more and faster.

Here are five quick potential starting points for building self-awareness and your relationship with yourself, so that you can start to change your story. These are nothing revolutionary. They are simple, effective and time-tested, and can be done in five minutes. They really work in giving the conscious mind a quick shake up, and in building momentum to help us follow through. They are all things I use most regularly to top up my self awareness.

1. Diary: nothing fancy needed. Just a means to note down what happened throughout the day and how you felt and responded. Over time, awareness grows from you getting thoughts out of your very busy mind and onto paper. You can look back, too to pick up patterns and themes.  

2. Less thinking: Meditation (a.k.a. paying attention). Five minutes of meditation a day can be a game changer in starting to understand the benefit of becoming aware of our thought patterns. Even two minutes when you get a break for yourself! Headspace is a great place to start with very simple guides in plain English and a free trial. 

3. More movement: Such as walking on your lunch break, setting a reminder to stretch out every hour, making housework a workout by putting your back into it and working up a sweat to feel satisfied at the end.

4. Less thinking and more movement: I find this in yoga. Moving the body and stretching out always feels great, and yoga has the added bonus of combining mindfulness, so we can still the mind and focus on awareness at the same time for a double whammy. There are practices for every body, mood, need and level. Gaia.com was my favourite go-to when I didn’t live close to many studios, with practices varying from five minutes to two hours. YouTube also has loads of free videos - Shona Vertue and Yoga with Adrienne are two favourites. 

5. Morning routine: Lots of advice is out there about the benefits of the morning routine. Changing one thing about how you start your day can put you on the front foot, starting the day positively and in more control, and connected to yourself as you prioritise this for you. Stick with one tiny change every day without fail and you will feel really good for seeing it through. Then you can add something else! Such as:

  • splashing your face with water and sitting for 2-5 minutes to meditate as soon as you get up 

  • setting a reminder with your morning alarm to think through or write down all the things you’re grateful for

  • playing a mega-dose of inspiring straight talk on YouTube when you’re getting ready or commuting to work, or in the shower (this used to be my favourite and @impacttheory was always guaranteed to pump me up like nothing else)

  • drinking a pint of water as soon as you get up to energise your body, feel alert, and know that you’ve already got a good chunk of your water quota in

  • ending your shower with 2 minutes of cold water to wake you up and train your mind to deal with stress.

Make single-tasking your new best friend

From experience, I know it’s a losing game to implement multiple changes at once. So, just change one single thing and don’t spend much time on it. Trying to go to the gym every morning from doing nothing is really hard to keep up. Starting the day with five minutes of exercise or yoga in the lounge is way more sustainable, repeatable and effective in building self-belief and momentum. It will get you feeling good about yourself quickly and that’s the initial goal: habit change and positive momentum.

I’m sure - if you make one single, solitary change in your day, you are going to feel proud of yourself. And if you don’t feel proud of yourself very often because of the habituated negative self-talk, you are going to really get a kick out of it, and want more. Please be easy on yourself. Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Take the first step. If you stay present and stick with that small change until you feel a difference, you can build on momentum and the small steps will become a big leap forward. 

You are as good, as worthy and as valued as the people you admire. You are as equal, and you have exactly the same right as everyone else on the planet to be true to yourself, whatever that looks like, while still being kind. 

5 reasons why yoga will improve your life

Through my years as an HR & people-manager, and as a yoga teacher, I’ve noticed the same issues affecting our happiness & health. We’re overwhelmed, exhausted, spread too thin and really hard on ourselves.  

I was in that place for pretty much my entire adult life, too, until recent years. Yoga played a huge part in my finding a way to feel like a much better version of me. It started as a means of winding down, and turned into a way for me to feel in more control of my mind and behaviour.

Yoga helped me find my voice and take the power back with my stress, anxiety, overwhelm & shame-talk. 

I know that yoga can be misunderstood, which might prevent you from trying it out. “I’ve never been flexible” is a common misconception which makes the whole thing off-putting. But it means missing out on much more than a stretching session.

Yoga isn’t gymnastics, despite what popular images might convey! Flexibility is a by-product, not a prerequisite. Yoga is a merging of movement and stillness and it builds flexibility and strength, over time: for both body and mind.  

There are many styles & teachers. Find your yoga and you’ll leave feeling fantastic. Find the wrong class and you’ll think you’re not good enough – the last thing yoga is about.

What yoga gives that other workouts don’t is techniques to take control of your thinking and mindset. Techniques to take the power back with your life and overcome what’s holding you back.

Here are five surprising reasons why yoga will improve your life.

1.    You’ll stop being so hard on yourself.

If you’re hard on yourself (🙋🏼‍♀️), you might find yourself being kinder to yourself through yoga and talking to yourself with the same care and understanding as you do your loved ones.

You have as much right as everyone else to live life in a way that brings you real contentment. And yoga will help you to believe that.

Yoga helped me to address years of disordered thinking. Focusing inside helped me to see that I am much stronger than I had believed – and so are you.

Your thoughts inform your daily actions, which basically make up your life. The more you use yoga to anchor your attention to the moment, the more you realise the sea of thoughts, worries, fantasising, regretting that come and go. And you’ll be able to shift the focus and start feeling like a better you.

2.    You’ll stop comparing yourself so much.

We have enough of this on social media, in the workplace, friendship circles, family. Comparison is a confidence killer. It’s time for much more self-acceptance in who we truly are, rather than striving to be something we are not.

If someone in class is more flexible, there’ll be many reasons for that. Just as there will be others who are less able-bodied than you. It’s a matter of perspective.

Focusing inside, rather than on others in the room, builds self-understanding and accountability. Yoga helps to keep the awareness on our own story and what our body needs.

As you understand and accept yourself more, you might just stop apologising for who you are, and respect yourself and others for our great uniqueness.

3.    You’ll get clear, calm and focused.

Yoga encourages looking inside with total honesty at the good and the bad. As you start to look inside, you’ll build deeper focus and awareness – much needed in this time of ultimate distraction. In that way, it’s an antidote to modern busy life.

Honesty, acceptance and clarity will move you ahead when you’re feeling stuck. The fog lifts, and you’ll start to make sense of what’s going on inside as you take time out from the needs, opinions and expectations of others. 

As you become calmer more regularly you might even find that you’ve let go of long-held emotions and feel like a weight’s been lifted.  

4.    You’ll find your voice.

As your focus and clarity improve, you’ll realise you’re more confident in your abilities as your memory is clearer, your self-criticism reduces and your self-belief increases.  

You’ll notice yourself making decisions and even having an opinion on matters that you may have kept quiet on before. As your self-respect builds, you’ll have faith and trust in your abilities and be more comfortable standing up for that. Behaviours that are difficult if you’re in the midst of stress and anxiety.

5.    You’ll benefit those around you.

It’s clear when someone is either fed up or full of positivity. Building inner awareness, strength and contentment will mean interacting with others from that place, instead of a place of stress and exhaustion.

It’s commonly said that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Yoga will help you to impact those closest to you even more positively. Everyone wins.

It’s science-backed, too.

Many studies have been done to look at the benefits of yoga on health and the brain. 

There’s evidence that yoga improves both physical and mental health conditions. Evidence that it changes the brain, even; strengthening the following key areas:

  1. The area which controls mind-wandering and self-relevance.

  2. The area which assists learning, cognition, memory and emotional regulation.

  3. The part associated with perspective-taking, empathy and compassion.

  4. And the section where a lot of regulatory neurotransmitters (the body’s chemical messengers) are produced.

And evidence that regular practice shrinks the amygdala which controls the fight or flight response and plays a key role in stress, anxiety and fear.

So, as well as feeling great in your body and more comfortable and at ease, you’ll feel it just as much, if not more, in your mind. Yoga will help you feel like a better you.

You are so much more capable than you realise. Finding your yoga will help you see that.  

Find Your Yoga.

Whatever you need (or don’t), the right yoga will optimise your life. 

Not into spirituality? No problem. Hate sweaty, hot classes? Totally fine. Lonely? Find your community in and outside yourself. Overwhelmed? Build focus and presence.

There’s a yoga for every-body. Find your yoga and you’ll experience more happiness, peace, and belonging — no matter what comes your way.

Don’t take my word for it. Get your comfy clothes on and join me! 

See schedule here and sign up for new class info, tools, TREATS & more.

With the right tools you have the power to live life your way.

Jodi x